Friday, October 30, 2009
my day job
Speaking of worth and wait...I realized that I rarely ever discuss my day job here. Besides being Shawn's Wife, Jude's Mom, and Small Business Owner, I do have another full time job. I've probably withheld discussing it here because I know that what I do can be divisive, and the middle child in me hates conflict. But the time has come, my friends. The time has come.
Are you ready for it?!
In a nutshell, I talk to students about sex. That's right. My job. Is to. Talk. About. Sex. I'm an abstinence educator and Director of a program called Worth the Wait. I work with medical personnel who present to 8th grade students the prevalence and reality of STDs. I also work with high school students and we present a program (with skits) to those 8th grade students about some of the emotional junk that comes with having sex outside of marriage.
I actually work at a crisis pregnancy center, and feel like I have the most amazing job in the world. The bulk of my time is spent shaping the Worth the Wait drama presentation - which means working with the high school students. I love doing the presentations themselves, and I love the ministry we have at the crisis pregnancy center, but working with those high school students is my absolute favorite part of this ministry (to see a quick clip of one of our skits, click here) If you think about it, it takes a special kind of kid to stand up and say, "hey. i'm saving sex for marriage. AND i want to be in front of 300 8th graders at a time and tell them to do the same."
It's those kinds of kids with whom I get to hang out. Yeah, my job's pretty sweet.
Beyond being able to spend time with and mentor high school students and being very comfortable talking about sex (sometimes too much so - i drop words like "herpes" in casual conversation if i'm not careful), I also work with an amazing group of women and have an incredible work environment. Even though it means absolute chaos sometimes, we're so blessed to not have to put Jude in daycare. Shawn takes Mondays as his Sabbath, so he stays home with Jude on Mondays. I work from home on Tuesdays and Thursdays and keep Jude then. I bring the kiddo into work with me on Wednesdays, and Shawn takes Jude into work with him on Fridays (which is actually getting kind of difficult for the both of us).
It means careful planning on our parts and often having to stay up late to get work done once Jude's down for the night. However, it also means that either Shawn or I have been able to see each and every one of Jude's "firsts." It means both of us working through the weekends, but it also means one of us is spending the entire day with him seven days a week. It means Shawn and I see less of each other and get less quality time because we're so often playing our game of "Pass the Jude," so the other can get work done, but it also means Jude's never directed a "Mama," at another caretaker (except Shawn....but I'll let that one slide). It means sacrificing a lot ourselves...a LOT of time...a lot of energy...and some days a lot of sanity...but I so cherish the time I have with that kiddo. I cherish knowing what milestones he's reached, I cherish holding him while he's napping, I cherish taking a break from work to play peek-a-boo, I cherish knowing when something is wrong, and I even cherish (most of the time) being the one who accidentally knocks his arm on a door frame and being the one who holds him when he's screaming because he's overtired.
Our jobs are both ministries that require of us much more than the typical 40 hour work weeks, but we've determined that our first ministry is to our family. We're beyond blessed to work in environments that allow us the flexibility to care for Jude ourselves. It's insane, and to be perfectly candid - I'm not sure how much longer we can clip along at this pace - but we can't help but be overwhelmed with gratitude when we look at how much influence we have in Jude's life and know that we haven't missed a second of it.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
boo for the flu (part two)
Okay, okay. I'll give up my budding career as a poet. All that poem needed was some long pauses in nonsensical places and you'd have yourself a Maya Angelou poem. Speaking of which (of whom?) - have I ever mentioned that she apparently lives in Winston? And that they say (and we all know that "they" are authorities on the subject) that Oprah has a house here, too? So here's the plan...
Oprah and Dr. Angelou will be out shopping for some friend of Oprah's who is pregnant. They go into O Baby Organics (because that's the hip place to be in town), and they'll see my diapers. Obviously - they'll fall in love with them and Oprah will call me and tell me that I just must be on her favorite things show.
And Dr. Angelou will never know that I made fun of her poetry on my blog - so you guys better not let it leak, alright?
Okay, so Jude got the flu. Besides a couple of colds and an ear infection, this was the first time Jude's been really sick. I have to admit that the entire time he was in pain, I couldn't help but think of Jonah and Patrice. It broke my heart to see my little fireball transform into a limp rag in my arms, but I know that it doesn't even compare to what Patrice has to watch Jonah go through. That boy is so amazing to me.
But I'm getting sidetracked - Jude had a fever of 101.9 when we put him down for the night on Saturday. I gave him Tylenol, but knew I'd be up with him at some point in the night. He actually (thankfully) slept until 4:30, and was pretty much wide awake - but none too happy about it. I checked his temp when he woke up, and it was 102.1, which scared me a little bit. I called the pediatrician and while we were waiting for them to call back, we checked WebMD. According to that (and to the nurse who called back), a high temperature in a baby doesn't necessarily warrant emergency room panic. You should panic if they're having trouble breathing, but as long as you can keep the fever under control, you can just make a regular sick visit.
Shawn's workday on Sundays is from about 5:30am to about 10:00pm, and we usually try to squeeze in lunch together before he has to head back to set up for EvenSong. I was so glad to be able to make an appointment for 2:30 - Shawn had to rearrange some of his workload, but he was able to go with me to the appointment and to pick up the medication.
Jude was just miserable, though. He vacillated between just wanting to lay pathetically on my chest and screaming his head off. Having just had the flu, I knew he was probably achy down to his bones, exhausted, his throat hurt, and his little tummy felt very unstable. We took him to the doctor where they did a nasal swab for the flu and pricked his finger to check his white blood count. His count was just fine, but he did test positive for the flu (they didn't say whether it was the swine flu or seasonal flu for either of us, so I'm assuming it was seasonal).
Here's my usually happy and easy going boy on Daddy's lap at the doctor:

Monday, October 26, 2009

Friday, October 23, 2009
jude plays catch
Thursday, October 22, 2009
sweet homemade wipes
Throughout the course of my pregnancy, I set about trying to eliminate as many of the recurring costs of babyhood as possible. I knew we'd be trying to do this whole thing on a minister's salary, and I knew my eventual dream would be to be a stay at home Mom, so the frugalista in me went into overdrive. In my experience, two of the biggest recurring expenses are 1) diapers and 2) wipes. I knew we'd cloth diaper, but Shawn and I both had a gut reaction of "ew. gross." to the thought of using cloth wipes.
Now that I've cloth diapered for almost a year, the idea of cloth wipes doesn't gross me out any longer (I actually think it'd be pretty easy). However, it still grosses out Shawn - so out of respect for him, I make my wipes out of paper towels.
This serves three purposes that I love 1) It's significantly cheaper than buying wipes, 2) We don't have to go to the store when we're running low on wipes. We buy our paper towels in 12 packs, so we typically have plenty available when I need to make more wipes, and 3) I know exactly what is in the wipe solution
So how on earth do I turn a very regular roll of paper towel into wipes suitable for the most adorable Judeabutt in the world? Well first, I gather my supplies. 1. Roll of paper towel (we like select-a-size. you just need a small one for the pees but can use a couple for the rest) 2. Baby Oil 3. Baby Shampoo 4. 1 Tbsp. measuring spoon 5. Measuring Cup 6. Sharp Knife 7. Cutting Board 8. Butter Knife 9. An empty plastic wipes container

I use the butter knife to help separate the adhesive that's between the paper towel and the cardboard middle. Then I pull out the cardboard middle.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
boo for the flu
Bad News: It's because I feel like someone's taking a Roto Rooter to my gut and having a field day.
Good News: Shawn was able to work from home today so that I'm not puking up my guts AND trying to take care of Jude.
Bad News: Poor guy (both guys, actually) will most likely get this, too. We're trying to be super careful and me and Lysol are bffs right now, but you just can't be this close to a sicky and not get it, too.
Good News: Tamiflu is amazing. I've never had the stuff before, and I'm already feeling so much better after only having been taking it it for less than 24 hours.
Bad News: The stuff cost us $50. Plus a $25 copay for the doctor's visit. If Jude and Shawn get this, we'll be out $225 for sickness. Getting sick is just not in our budget - but whatcha gonna do?
Ironically - I refused to get a flu shot last week because we didn't have the $25 in our budget, even though Shawn kept telling me I needed it. I don't know if you've noticed, but $25 is less than $75.
Shawn: 5
Jen: 0
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
video time!
This is the worm crawl he was doing a couple of months ago. He's since figured out how to crawl like a proper baby, but I'm so glad I captured it on camera!
Monday, October 19, 2009
google settles all our arguments
We had an ongoing debate as to how the brand of "I can't believe it's not butter" is referred in England. Why would we debate something so ridiculous, you ask? In our weird, convoluted way I think we're flirting. Or maybe we're just bored. I haven't decided yet.
My vote was that the English version was called, "Butter - or is it?" Twenty minutes of google searching later, we found this:

Jen: 0
Now, there's something that you need to know about my husband. He sees the world in cartoon characters. I would say with 70% of the people we meet, he will later tell me, "That person looks like such and such cartoon character," and it's usually a Muppet. Early in our relationship, when I showed up to class wearing a turtleneck sweater and my black rimmed glassed, he told me I looked like a Sexy Velma.
I'm still unsure if that was a compliment or not.
Several months ago, Shawn called Jude "Dopey." You would think that after knowing Shawn for almost eight years now, I would know that his cartoon character to actual person analogies are pretty accurate, but I still disputed the fact that our son looks like Dopey. We googled a picture of Dopey, and be the judge:

A few google searches later, we found out that apparently referring to the restaurant as "Frisch's" is a peculiarity specific to the Cincinnati area. Kind of like beating the Steelers a few weeks ago, but whatever. We won't go there.
Shawn: 3
Shawn looked at me like I was all cute and amusing, and said, "What'd you call it?" I answered, "A smorgesborg. Why?"
Honey," he said (very patronizingly, I might add), "It's smorgasbord...with a D." We argued for a minute, with me making the point that I happen to be the reader of the family and am really the familial authority on how things are pronounced.
Shawn: 4
Oh google. At once both a good and reliable friend and my provingshawnwrong nemesis.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
what to do with a coletrane

Cole's a good dog. He's very loving, he's protective, and has not ever...not once...growled at or threatened Jude. Not even when Jude crawls underneath him (while he's eating) to get to his food. Not even when Jude uses Cole's head as a stepping stone to the coffee table. Not even when Jude decides to take Cole's kong (Cole's one and only toy in a menagerie of plastic squeeky things). Cole just looks at Jude like, "what the heck, dude?" and calmly walks away.
So I know we have a great dog - I do. But we also have a dog who barks at the neighbors ALL THE TIME. We have a dog who - at least twice a week - poops or pees in our house. On our freshly cleaned, baby crawled on carpet. We have a dog who decides that 3am right next to our bed is the best time and place to obnoxiously clean every last flippin' part of his body. We have a dog who loves to sit outside Jude's door while we're trying to rock him down for a nap, and has the uncanny timing to stand up and thwap his huge ears, jangle his collar, and make a frustrating amount of noise right as we're laying Jude in the crib.
And did I mention that Cole's decided our living room is a perfect place for his bathroom needs? Because that's the one that's really getting to me lately. Our home isn't perfectly clean, but we do our best to keep it tidy and at the very least - sanitary. In looking around my living room right now, I think that if you dropped by, you'd be impressed at its cleanliness for having an 11 month old and a sewing business. Sure, everything heavy or breakable is on top of our highest furniture - making it look strange - but clean, nonetheless.
And I don't have a lot of spare time. I've become an expert in efficiency, and I have very specific tasks planned for the amount of attention Jude requires during the day. I have things that I can do with one hand planned for the times he needs me to hold him, I have things that I can do with him crawling at my feet planned for the times he needs me nearby but not necessarily playing with him, I have things planned that need intense concentration for when he's napping or content to play alone, and I have things planned that can be done in spurts (like writing a blog or shooting out emails) planned for when he's in his highchair and needs intermittent attention (like giving him bits of food).
See? It's crazy, but yes...I even plan out when I can go pee.
And cleaning up dog poop? NOT. IN. THE. PLAN.
And while I'm grumbling about wasting my time and all the things I need to be doing with that time, I know in the back of my mind that it's partly our fault. Our once beloved dog is now on the bottom of the priority list.
And part of that, I know, is healthy. Jude will always come before Cole. Always. If we need to spend money on Jude's college fund or Cole getting some kind of $5,000 surgery - Jude's going to win. If both Cole and Jude are in a life threatening situation - Jude's getting saved. Cole's a dog. Jude's a human. Jude wins.
But I also know that as responsible dog owners and lovers, we need to take better care of Coletrane...or give him to someone who will. And so this is the crux at which we stand.
I don't want to give him away (and I know Shawn doesn't either). Jude's finally getting old enough to have a sort of sibling-like relationship with Cole. Jude laughs so hard when Cole does silly things, and Cole and I have a similar understanding of being driven nuts by Jude sometimes. Cole keeps me safe when Shawn's gone on trips, and that daggone dog loves the heck out of us. He handled taking the brunt of my postpartum depression with grace and an unconditional love surpassed only by my Savior.
But we can't keep him cooped up in our tiny house and expect him to behave, and I can't keep cleaning our carpets like a madwoman twice a week. This isn't working, and something has to change.
So I'm asking you - blog friends - for advice. I've been looking into invisible dog fences and would love any thoughts or reviews you have on those (especially on how not to spend a lot of money). How do we take care of our sweet puppy in this different phase of our life? What do we need to do differently, and how can we fit in taking care of his needs with the current demands of our all too busy life?
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
steelers diaper love
And in case you're wondering, I'm sorry, but I can't make you a diaper with your favorite team's patch sewn on the hiney. There are way too many licencing issues that it makes my head spin. But I WOULD be willing to be hired by the Steelers Coorporation to make official Steelers cloth diapers. Or any other team, for that matter. After all, the Steelers are Shawn's loyalty - not mine.
...Just sayin'

Monday, October 12, 2009
jude goes to college
Because my version of our weekend would be boring and filled with thoughts about tuition prices, FAFSA information, and ratio of teachers and students, I thought I'd let Jude tell you himself about his weekend. Keep in mind that this was the first student ministry trip on which we've taken Jude that didn't involve him being fed from the umbilical cord and falling asleep when I started walking. Believe it or not, they're a lot more work outside the womb. So without further ado, allow me to present to you...Judeabug...
So this past weekend, we did a whole lot of driving. Mommy kept saying that she was so worried that I was going to be fussy and cry a whole lot. I think it's really funny to prove her wrong, though. We drove from home to Kentucky. I had a lot of fun on that part of the trip! My good friend Katie got me to take a whole entire two naps in my carseat by putting her hand next to my face - one of my favorite things EVAH!
We got to KCU, and after we went to chapel (which I slept through most of), Mommy and Daddy took us to Pizza Hut. Mommy started to tell me that was where Daddy worked to earn money for their honeymoon, but that was when I put my fingers in my ears and shouted, "La La La La La!" Gross, Mommy. Gross. But I took my fingers out of my ears to get some pizza crust, which is delicious, by the way.

We took a walk around campus. Oh great. Does this mean I'm engaged to Mommy? Or DADDY?! Oh man - can you handle how funny I am?

I learned that college dorms have lots of drawers, and I just so happen to LOVE drawers! If that's what college is all about - sign me UP!

Mommy let me crawl around with just my diaper on for awhile, which was awesome! Nothin' makes me happier than diaper playtime. Mommy kept saying that she and Daddy were going to move into my dorm room just like that night if I didn't behave. I don't know what she's talking about. Mommy and Daddy are the most fun people I know. I think it'd be pretty sweet to have them with me in college (but Daddy said no way. he said they're going to have a big party and lots of dates when i'm in college).