Dear Jude,
Today my sweet son, you are two years old. I know that you still don't really have a concept of what a birthday is, but today is the day that we celebrate the life that God has given you. We named you "Jude" because the name means
to give praise or thanks, and that's exactly what we do when we talk to God about you. Last year on your birthday, I wrote about h
ow you were born. I still plan on telling you about your birth story every year on your birthday, but I think I'll
forego writing it all out again this year.
Instead, I want to make sure I remember the things you love at two years old. For starters, you are just a passionate kiddo. Most of the time you're passionately excited, but sometimes you're passionately frustrated. At least two or three times a day you slowly whisper, "Woooowwww" with such amazement and wonder, and I love seeing the world through your eyes. At the moment, you are passionate about: trains, ice, puppies, cheese, the baby, church, Mee Hee, helping mommy in the kitchen, and letters. You love picking out your shirt in the mornings, and often insist that I put on your shoes and jacket - even if we're staying inside all day.
You've started running really hard and slam-hugging into my legs, and you and I have recently discovered the joy of eyelash kisses. I have to be honest and tell you that you have a strong streak for destruction - you love to crash cars, throw things around, and wipe everything off of the living room table just to watch it crash on the ground. You still have a strong stubborn streak, but we're learning how to help you figure out when that stubbornness is appropriate. Time outs are Mommy's best friend right now, and they work wonders for helping you learn to be obedient. My favorite thing is to squat down in front of you after time outs when I explain why you were put there. You hug me and give me a tear streaked kiss, and I love that moment of tenderness with you. You're usually in time out because you've been willfully disobedient, and you have tendency to listen to me say, "no," take it in, give me an angry look, and proceed to do what I've asked you not to do. It's amazing to watch your heart go from being hardened in disobedience to being softened in repentance. Sometimes I wonder if that's how God feels about us when we go to Him in repentance.
You're still not very interested in eating sweet things, but then again you're not interested in eating unfamiliar to you period. Truthfully, you spend most of your day eating graham crackers, animal crackers, veggie crackers, cheese, and bagels with peanut butter. Sometimes I can get you to eat yogurt or peas, but those things are hit and miss. Basically if it's in a cracker form, you're guaranteed to love it.
As I write this, you're carting your stool around after Daddy saying, "I help? I help? I heeeeeellllllpppp! I help?" and to be honest, you actually are very helpful. You're great at throwing things in the trash can and going to get stuff for us. You're very helpful in stirring things for me, and your curiosity about how Mommy and Daddy are doing things never ends.
You're also talking up an absolute storm. Much of it seems to be in toddler code, and I spend a good amount of time translating (for example, "Dat Go?" means, "Where did it go?" and indicates you want to play a game of hide and seek with some object that you've hidden). It's so sweet to see how your brain interprets words, phrases, and ideas.
It's cool to see that you get excited about getting in the car and going places. You recognize church and shout, "CHUCH!" when we get anywhere near a church. You recognize our route home from about a mile away and say, "Huh-Home!" You know what I mean when I tell you we're going to a store, and when I say we're going to someone's house. You love to look out the window and spot trucks, letters, and most recently the moon. Even though we've never taken you to McDonald's, you get pumped when we drive by the one near us and yell, "Uh-Em!" as you recognize the big "M."
Daddy wanted me to tell you that you're his little best friend. He loves playing in your room with you - playing cars and chase. He loves when you run up to hug him and never quite knows if you're going to run towards him and then run away at the last minute, or run straight into his arms with glee. You make his heart full, kiddo, and he's so glad that you made him a Daddy.
You've remained our little cuddle bug, and the nickname "Judeabug" still fits you well. You share amazingly well with other kids, and have a heart that's so sweetly tender. Jude, we're blessed that God chose us to steward your life, and we pray that you know and love Him with all of your heart. We know that even now, He's preparing you for His plan, and we pray that your heart is soft to hearing His voice - His guidance, correction, and love. We know that as much as MommyDaddy love you, He loves you infinitely more perfectly and completely.
Dear God,
How can I thank you enough for that boy? I had no idea how much You would use him to change and refine me. I had no idea how much my heart could grow and how much I could love so unconditionally. Thank you for using him to show us Your heart for us. Thank you for trusting us with him. Lord, give us wisdom to love, guide, correct, and teach him. Help us to see him how you see him. Abba, please protect him. I pray that even at two years old, his heart would know You and know Your ways. I pray that you'd place in his heart a deep sense of Your calling for his life. Prepare him even now for the plans you have for him, God. Thank you, Father, for his life. What an incredible little life it is.