Shawn and I had our ultrasound this morning. It was truly amazing to hear the heartbeat, and to even see the baby's heart beating. The nurse said that everything looked great and everything was where it was supposed to be! We are officially 6 weeks and 4 days along, which is where they guessed, but now that they've seen the size of the's definite. AND, our official due date is November 9th. We are honestly in awe of our God, who is the Creator and Sustainer of life. We're so grateful to be stewards of this baby.
Shawn and I had our ultrasound this morning. It was truly amazing to hear the heartbeat, and to even see the baby's heart beating. The nurse said that everything looked great and everything was where it was supposed to be! We are officially 6 weeks and 4 days along, which is where they guessed, but now that they've seen the size of the's definite. AND, our official due date is November 9th. We are honestly in awe of our God, who is the Creator and Sustainer of life. We're so grateful to be stewards of this baby.
Tuesday night I started spotting again (augh!), except this time it was red and accompanied by cramps. Shawn and I tried not to be too worried, and I called my doctor the next morning...thinking they would tell it wasn't that big of a deal and to call them back if anything more serious happened. Instead, they asked me come in within the hour. So Shawn and I went. We have this nurse practitioner who is just amazing, by the way. At our first appointment, we found out that she knows a lot about Salem Pregnancy Care Center, and was actually at our banquet this past October. She and her husband go to a church and Clemmons, where her husband is active in helping to lead worship and with the student ministry. All of that to say that we were grateful to have someone with whom we felt comfortable. In fact, as soon as she came into the room, she hugged me and said, "Oh honey, you must be so worried! It's okay, though, we're going to find out what's going on, alright?" She checked my cervix and who knows what else, and said that everything looked we were sent to the ultrasound room. It was slightly encouraging to know that my cervix wasn't showing signs of miscarriage, but I was anxious to find out if everything was really okay. Our ultrasound tech did the ultrasound, and the baby is perfect. Absolutely perfect. In fact, it was really amazing to see how much the baby had grown since our ultrasound on Thursday. We could see that he/she has gotten bigger already. We saw a gray mass that the tech told us was the baby's forming brain (which wasn't there last time). The baby also had little arm and leg buds growing...he/she kind of looked like a little teddy graham in there. Actually, the baby is probably about the size of a teddy graham! We also got to hear the heartbeat again, which has gone up from 130 last week to 167. It was frustrating to have to make yet another trip to the doctor, but I know we're both relieved to know for sure that everything is fine. Shawn said that if we keep going at this rate, we'll have an ultrasound every week and be able to have a flip book of baby Maurer's development. :)
I'm not even sure how many of you will have the chance to check this website before we head in for our appointment, but if you check this before 1:00...please pray. Heck, we could still use your prayers after that, even! Shawn and I have to head in today for another emergency ultrasound. I've had some strange spotting (I'll spare you all the gross details), that apparently worries our nurse. we go. Our appointment is at 1:00 this afternoon, and as I mentioned, they'll be doing an ultrasound. I'm not even sure where Shawn and I are at with this. I know we're both kind of...exhausted from all the spotting and worrying and thinking. We're concerned, but trying to give it to God and leave it there. I know that at least I am anxious to get answers again and to have reassurance.
jonah rockin' the xylophone
6 years ago
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