Saturday, June 20, 2009

photgraphic memories

So here are a few shots that Jenn from Photographic Memories got a couple of weeks ago. I'm sorry that they're so small - I can't seem to figure out how to resize them. Still, he's a pretty stinkin' cute kid, even in miniature version:

The onesie he's wearing is one of our favorites - it says ADO(RED)

That would be an original single of "Hey Jude" on which he's drooling

...the "this is kind of stupid" face

...the "but i suppose i can grace them with a smile or two" face

...and the "i am so over this" face


  1. I loooove the outdoor/stocking cap pictures!! We're getting Daphne's 6 months pictures on Tuesday. I can't wait!
