I'm sure you can imagine our relief at finally getting some good news after a weight check. Jude seems thoroughly unaffected by everything and is continuing to crawl, wiggle, pull up, and laugh as if nothin's going on.
Jude and I are both incredibly excited that Shawn's finally back from almost two weeks of youth trips. It's hard to describe without getting all mushy how much I missed him, so we'll just leave it with -I missed my best friend and partner. I do, however, have much respect for the single mothers of the world. Being by myself with Jude - sans family down here - was hard. I barely had time to eat most days, and did my best to cram all the work I needed to get done into the 3.5 hours between him going down for the night and me collapsing. I think the most difficult thing was not having someone to pass Jude off to when I found myself at the end of my rope. If we're having a tough day, I usually tell myself, "It's okay. Shawn will be home in five hours, and then you'll have a break. You can make five hours, you can totally do this," (counting down of course, each passing hour) and not having that option was tough. Nonetheless, Jude and I both survived, and I felt a little bit more confident in my mothering and coping skills at the end.
I've included some random pictures - nothing exciting - we were just outside to give Jude a change of pace, and I took advantage of the beautiful sunlight.

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