An Update
...Well, we just got back from our Doctor's appointment this morning. I feel like we got a lot of information, so bare with me while I try to relay all of it. Probably the biggest thing I took from the appointment is that our test did show that I have a 50% chance of going into labor in the next two weeks. Shawn and I are both kind of reeling from that statistic. I could see on our Doctor's face that they were taking all of this very seriously, and she was not messing around. My cervix was checked again, and everything is still as it should be there - a good sign. They also checked my urine again and found some white blood cells, which could mean a possible infection, so they put me on a pregnancy safe antibiotic, just in case I do have an infection and that is what is causing contractions.Shawn and I had lots of questions about what we're facing, and found out that the real causes of pre-term labor are basically unknown. They don't know why some women go into pre-term labor, and some don't. While that, in and of itself, isn't very WAS comforting to hear someone say outright, "we're not quite sure why this is happening." She didn't put me on bedrest, but told me that I needed to work half days at work, stop working out completely, and basically to cut out all unncessary activities. We have an appointment in a week (September 4th), with strict instructions to call right away if I feel more than 6 contractions in an hour. At this point, the goal is to keep him in there until he's 32 weeks along.
Shawn's always getting on me for reporting the facts to him instead of emotions, and I realized that my last blog posting was very fact-oriented. We're both...shaken, I guess is the best word. Our minds are running a million miles a minute in trying to think of the things that we need to get done if we're looking at having a baby in the next two weeks. I'm feeling a little bit guilty and analyzing everything I've done in the past week or so, wondering if there's something that I have done that has caused this. I think we're both overwhelmed at the possibility of spending a month or so with our son in the NICU, and are not even letting our minds think about other possibilities.So for the most part, I'm just trying to take this one step at a time and not worry, though occasionally it does catch up with me. I'm grateful to know that we're almost 30 weeks along and our Doctor is keeping a very, very close eye on us. Shawn's turning into quite the bossy husband, so that even if I wanted to go against the Doctor's instructions on anything, he'd have a cow. :) I don't doubt that it'll get frustrating, but I appreciate him taking care of his family. Please continue to pray for us.
"My people, remember what Balak king of Moab counseled and what Balaam son of Beor answered. Remember your journey from Shittim to Gilgal, that you may know the righteous acts of the LORD."

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