My dear friend Samantha and I at her wedding rehearsal in May of 2006. Samantha and I have been good friends since high school when her Dad became the Senior Minister of my home church.

She and I began our friendship at a crucial point in my life - right as my parents separated and eventually divorced. Because of so much chaos at home, I spent a LOT of time at her house and learned quite a bit from her family. I didn't realize it at the time, but seeing some of the "inside guts" of a minister's family prepared me more than I knew to be a minister's wife. She's one of the few friends I have with whom I ministered a lot. We spent several weeks of camp together, taught VBS together for several years, and eventually ending up spending a summer in college at a Children's Home internship (that we both applied to before we had any idea the other was applying. Totally God).
Samantha and I are the kind of friends who now only have a chance to catch up every few months - but we just pick right up where we left off. She and I are now both minister's wives (and our husbands both pull double duty as Student Ministers/Worship Ministers), and she's proven to be a wise and encouraging sounding board. It's crazy to believe, but we're going on thirteen years of friendship.
I think she's a keeper. :)
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