To be honest, I'm a little shocked that my little baby is old enough to eat solid food. Wasn't he just born yesterday?! And to be even more honest, I'm excited that his first forays into solid food also mean the beginning of the end for nursing. This might perhaps shatter your illusions that I'm the perfect Mom (ha!), but I'm kind of counting down the months until we're finished with nursing. I still plan on nursing Cohen until he's a year old, but I'm looking forward to slowly getting my body and time back.
Cohen sitting in the high chair for the first time. He is still the smiliest little boy I've ever seen!
Jude had so much fun standing by and watching. He got momentarily possessive of "his" highchair (in which he refuses to actually sit, of course), but was just fine when we told him that brothers share their highchairs. Beyond that, he laughed and giggled the entire time Cohen was eating, as if he knew this was a big milestone for his little brother!
As exciting as Cohen's first bites were, it was even more exciting to me to hear Jude laugh and talk. It made my heart smile. Love me some Jude-a-bug! Love, Miss Rhonda