Tuesday, December 21, 2010

jude's birthday::six weeks later

You know how weird I can be about posting photos in chronological order, so I want to make sure I blog about Jude's 2nd birthday before I write anything further about moving. When was Jude's second birthday, you ask? Why, only six weeks ago. I know, I'm a blogging slacker. I had forgotten these photos were on the camera until I was looking through some Serwa Chic product photos and was surprised. I have to admit that I got a little teary eyed as I remembered what a bittersweet birthday that was. We knew that we'd be moving soon, so we wanted to invite friends over who have played a part in raising and loving Jude as our way of saying, "thank you." You know...if it's fair to say "thank you" by asking friends to come over and bring your son presents. My heart felt heavy the entire night, and I so wanted to squeeze each person there and earnestly tell them how much they've meant to our family. It was neither the time nor the place for that though, so I settled for watching Jude be ecstatic that the house was filled with his favorite people.

Judeabug opening gifts. You'll see a definite unintentional Thomas the Tank Engine theme in his party. That boy loves him some trains!

Cohen, Tim, Katie, Jude, Ryan, and Gray:

November 11th is also Jude's friend Anderson's 3rd birthday, and she was so sweet to come to Jude's birthday party on her birthday. We surprised her with a cupcake and "Happy Birthday."

Jude was very excited about the choo-choos on his cake:

Caleb and Rhonda Smith, holding Cohen:

Sometimes the boy looks like he's sixteen years old:

Our good friend Rhonda made Jude's birthday cake. I told her that she knows him as well as most anyone does, so she was welcome to come up with whatever kind of theme she'd like. She did an INCREDIBLE job on this Thomas cake, and Jude was so ridiculously excited about it! The trains on the cake are actually Thomas birthday trains, and are Jude's favorites still.

Sweet Brittany got Jude a pair of perfect Mee-Hee slippers:

I know the photos are all jumbled up, and I apologize for that. Jude had a fantastic 2nd birthday and was surrounded by people who love him and whom he loves. For him to have an entire extended family of friends in North Carolina makes him one blessed little boy, indeed.

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