Jude had his two month well check-up today! This check up included the dreaded shots, and I found myself a little anxious as we left for the appointment. He was weighed first (10 lbs, 4 oz), measured (21.5 inches), and his head circumference was measured (15 something inches, I think). Our doctor told us that Jude's in the 25th percentile for his height and weight (he's in normal range and most breastfed babies are in the lower percentiles until they start solid food).
His head, however, is in the 75th percentile. Dr. Rogers assured us that this is also absolutely normal and looks great. You have to realize, however, that Shawn has been making fun of me for my big head since we've been dating. His amusement was further fueled when he saw toddler pictures of me and realized that I've always had a rather large head. Please know that his jokes are completely out of love and that I don't take them personally - I suppose my head IS pretty roundish. That being said - Shawn has been telling Jude for weeks now that he has his mother's head. It would appear that Shawn was right! Personally, I think toddlers with large heads are adorable. :)
Jude also has something funky going on with his belly button - I think it's a herniated belly button, actually. The doctor said that's perfectly normal and that it'll end up being an innie. In the meantime, it's kind of like a thermometer...the more angry he gets the more it pokes straight out! Since it's nothing serious, it's pretty amusing to us.
I suppose I should explain why I've titled this blog Cradle Crap, huh? As of late, Jude's developed a case of cradle cap, which is just basically baby dandruff and is pretty typical in infants. Perhaps it's my lack of sleep...perhaps it's pregnancy brain still run amuck...perhaps I'm just a doofus...but I cannot seem to say "Cradle Cap." No matter how hard I try, "Cradle Crap" is what comes out! Ah well - the doctor says baby oil and baby shampoo should take care of it. ;)
At the end of the visit, the time for Jude's shots had come. I let Shawn take Jude, watch him get stuck, and comfort him - I knew I'd probably cry just as hard as Jude if I did it. We were actually pretty surprised with how well Jude did. He cried a heartbreaking cry at first, but calmed down pretty quickly! He even has adorable Garfield bandaids to prove just how brave he was.
He's such a cutie! I read somewhere when Tait was a baby that babies like things with little or no color because they don't overstimulate them. I was rather relieved because Tait was really into brown cardboard boxes. They were his favorite thing the world to stare at. Obviously the baby sign was a good pick!