This was the sight upon which Shawn walked this past Monday morning. My sweet, dear husband only said, "I think you should call the Doctor today."
I was sick this past weekend, and let me assure you that it is not easy being sick and taking care of an infant. Thankfully, Shawn made me take a trip to the Doctor on Monday morning (I thought for sure it was just a very nasty cold that I'd get over), where I guess I was diagnosed with a respiratory infection...she was kind of vague. All that mattered to me, though, was that she was prescribing antibiotics which would hopefully equal health soon! I've been on the antibiotic for 24 hours now, and I feel pretty much back to normal. I'm now just waiting for the inevitable sickness of my husband and child, which promises to be even less fun than being sick myself. Oh well, I suppose it had to happen at some point, huh? I'm very grateful for my amazing husband who took care of the house, made me hot tea, and forced my stubborn butt to the Doctor's office.
On a much, much better note, I am very excited to announce that Jude has slept through the night for almost two weeks now. I hesitated posting this information on the blog because I had this weird notion that as soon as I put my excitement in writing, he would go right back to sleeping three or four hours. So - if we have a rough night tonight - just know that I will place the blame on you, the reader of this blog. It would appear that while Jude is very sweet natured, he also has a stubborn streak and when he decides he's going to do something, he does it! At his age, "sleeping through the night," is usually characterized by six or seven hours...eight if you're a lucky duck. Jude sleeps for about ten and a half hours and goes about twelve hours between feedings. So if his last feeding was at 7:30pm (as it usually is), I can expect him to wake up between 7:00 and 7:30am the next morning. He started doing this the night before I started back to work, as if to say, "Mommy probably needs some rest now, I think I'll start sleeping through the night." Whatever the case, we were very excited and you can bet that my butt is in bed by at least 11:00pm every night so I can get a full, glorious eight hours.
And on an even better note still, Shawn and I are headed up to Ohio this weekend for a quick trip to see his family! Since the Steelers are in the SuperBowl, Shawn apparently has what I can only describe as a man-need to watch the game with like-minded fans. When the Steelers were last in the SuperBowl, we watched the game in our apartment in North Carolina and made pierogis (It's basically potato stuffed pasta. I've learned that the people in Shawn's hometown area can do amazing things with potatoes). I did my best to be enthusiastic about the game, but it was probably evident that my knowledge about football is marginal. I take that back - I actually know quite a bit, I just don't care about football all that much. Still - I tried to get riled up for Shawn's sake. So after watching the Steelers in the SuperBowl with me, Shawn's rightly deduced that it would be much more fun to watch the game with his family. I can't necessarily understand this man-need of his, but I'm all for it since it means time with family! I'm excited for Jude to meet his Aunts Aubrey and Heather and his cousins...and maybe to even see snow! I'm a little nervous about driving so long with a potentially screamy, fussy infant, but the excitement of getting to see Shawn's family far outweighs any crying we might have to endure!
Why did you post my picture on your blog like that? So NOT cool.
ReplyDeleteyour description of the pony tail had me rolling.
ReplyDeleteyou ARE beauty. no matter the slept in ponytail or the day-old pajamas....