Jude's first Easter was certainly a fun one. I think the holidays have a habit of sneaking up on Shawn and I lately, so we didn't really plan much for Jude to do this Easter. We figure that we get a free pass on all holidays for his first year. :) If you have Easter traditions that you love and would like to share, I'd love to hear 'em - we're still trying to figure out how to make Easter special for Jude beyond just getting dressed up and going to church. We did have a blast at the Poore's home with our good friends Mike and Jill and their son, Logan. Logan did a great job hunting those eggs!

Excuse the squash on his nose, we had to feed him in the car on the way over.

Hunting eggs with Daddy

Logan shared nicely!

Finding his first Easter egg!

Easter morning picture with Mommy. Ignore the wonky eye.
We had a terrific Easter, and we really look forward to being able to explain the meaning behind it to Jude next year. We tried this year, but well - he was more interested in falling asleep.
Jude's begun to really laugh out loud on a regular basis, which of course, thrills us to no end and provides hours of entertainment. Shawn got Jude belly laughing, and I was actually able to capture it on camera - enjoy!
And then part two: A few minutes later, Jude was still laughing:
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