I took Jude to the Doctor yesterday because our home scale was showing that he was steadily decreasing in weight and it actually weighed him at 12 pounds yesterday (compared to the 13 pounds it weighed him at about a week ago). I was concerned, but relatively un-freaked. It looks like our scale isn't weighing him all that well - he weighed in at 12 lbs 12oz at the Doctor's office. The Doc said he had gained about a half an ounce a day, which is well within normal range. Hooray! I had also noticed that he seemed quite reflux-ey lately and didn't seem to be eating as well, so I talked to the Doctor about his medicine. I wasn't sure if reflux medicine can just begin to lose its affect like that, but was assured that it can. She gave us a nine day sample of Prevacid to try. I think that's the medicine that finally did the trick for my nephew, Asher. Hopefully Jude will grow out of this whole mess soon!
If you'll allow me a brief aside, I need to let you know that as long as I've been writing this blog, I've pondered whether the "D" in "doctor" is capitalized or not. You may have noticed that I go back and forth between capitalizing and not...any grammar freaks out there know the protocol? You might wonder if I've also pondered the grammatical stability of my run on sentences that seem to abound. You may rest assured that I indeed do not. I'm a big fan of both run on sentences and incomplete sentences in my blog writing, as that's how I talk. In run ons. And incomplete sentences.
And now for one more aside. I've wanted to blog about postpartum depression for a few weeks now, and have even started a time or two - but I'm at a loss for how to address the topic. As Jennifer Knapp sings, "I've never been much for the baring of soul in the presence of any man. I'd rather keep to myself all safe and secure, in the arms of a sinner I am." I hesitate at laying my struggles out there for all to see, but I feel compelled to share. Towards the end of my pregnancy a couple of friends of mine shared with me (and their husbands with Shawn) about their personal postpartum depression struggles. When I realized I was in the middle of it myself, I took so much comfort in knowing their story, knowing they came through it, and knowing the signs for which to look. I also think their husbands helped Shawn know how to help and cope with seeing before him a very different woman than the one whom he married. So bare with me while I work at being authentic with you. This blog is as much a journal for me as it is a way to keep friends and family updated. I want to be able to look back at this time in my life -the good, the bad, and the ugly. I will blog about this topic, I feel compelled to do so, and hope to do so soon.
I think Jude is starting to stir from his nap, so I'll add a few more pictures from Jenn. Enjoy them and then get out there and enjoy the beautiful sunny Saturday!

I would say this is the look he has on his face most of the time - inquisitive and adorable.

I'm pretty sure I'll never get tired of seeing him in that hat. My little elf. :)

Shawn was super excited about Jude's first Pittsburgh hat. Looks like Jude is, too!
I'm looking forward to 'hearing' your words about PPD. Share when you are ready!
ReplyDeleteI, too, am washing cloth diapers and drying them on the line today! I have had GREAT success with my prefolds lately. I had to break down and buy more prefolds because mine, well, SUCKED. There is a MAJOR difference in the Chinese prefolds I got from the ones I had been using.
I also switched folds (from the angel wing to bikini twist) and I have to say that it has made a staggering difference. I don't think we've had any pee leaks since I made these changes, and just the occasional poo leak!
Anyway, I just wanted to share and knew you would appreciate the update :-)