So...I find myself utterly speechless right now.
Lucky for you that it doesn't require speaking to type, huh? Seriously, though. I'm astonished. My friend Patrice posted on her blog about my adventure in diaper making. It would appear that there's more a market out there than I thought possible for diapers-made-by-really-awful-saleswomanwhoiskindofaspaz. Who knew?
I was having a hard time keeping up with emailing everyone who responded pictures of the diapers, so I set up a blog specifically so that people can easily get information. Feel free to check it out:: Cloth Diaper Blog::
So I came up with a "company" (ha ha!) name, made some order forms, and am ready to actually do this thing. Ready and freaked out of my mind at the same time. I thought in my last post that I was just dipping my toe in the waters. I didn't even think it was my big toe - just my pinkey toe. I thought that maybe someone might want me to make a few diapers for them, and I'd get started pretty slowly. Our God, though, is a mighty God who seems to enjoy surprising me. So he took my pinkey toe dipping self and threw me right smack into the deep end.
I'm excited to see where this thing leads. I'm looking forward to learning how to make diaper covers, diaper pail liners, wetbags, etc., and I'm mostly looking forward to sharing my excitement about cloth diapering while being able to creatively help out my family.
I know I said in my last post that the next one would be filled with Jude goodness. So as to not make a liar out of myself, allow me to update you on how he's doing...
We took him to the doctor on Tuesday for his six month well check up, only to discover that he hadn't gained any substantial weight in the last ten days. My heart sank when I saw his weight and learned that he's now in the 1st percentile. But since having some time to think about it, I just am not freaking out like I did last time. Don't get me wrong - I'm concerned, even bordering on worried . Truth is though, we may have to supplement with formula and that would be okay. The Doctor wants me to pump to see how much Jude's getting at each meal. From there, we'll see how much he needs for his weight. If he's getting as much as he needs, then he's just a small baby. If he's not, then we need to give him either expressed breast milk or formula to make up for those ounces. I've officially depleted my freezer stash - so at this point, it would be formula. No sense getting worked up about it, though since 1)We don't know for sure that he even needs extra ounces, and 2) Formula is not the devil. Jude's been exclusively breastfed for six months and the occasional few ounces of formula a day will be just fine. So right now, we're doing a lot of waitin' and seein'...
In the meantime...Jude is officially saying, "mmm...mmmaa...mmaaa...mmaaaaa!" Most of time it's accompanied by crying, but occasionally it's said with a smile and immediately my heart does that melting to a puddle all over the floor thing. He's also so incredibly close to crawling, it's unbelievable. He's scooting up to all fours and rocking back and forth. Once he figures out how to alternate moving those arms and legs, he'll be off... and our lives will never be the same.
At his appointment, we found out that Jude had an ear infection (possibly contributing to his lack of weight gain...more reasons to not freak out and just wait), so he's taking medicine for that and is slightly more clingy than usual. To our absolute pleasure, he's got the skill of laughing down pat and uses that skill often. He laughs at Cole, at me, at Daddy, at other people, and even at my toast (I know...I don't get it either, but that toast got good and buttered just so I could continue hearing him laugh). He's also learned to imitate zerberts. Now, an ordinary kid learns to blow zerberts in the air. Our son though, picked that trick up a few weeks ago. He's now conquered the skill of blowing zerberts on my bare arm (or neck if he can get there). He actually puts his mouth to arm and blows slimy, drippy, sweeterthannythingyoucouldimagine zerberts. His cheeks even jiggle as he's doing it, allowing extra room for the carrot colored drool to completely encase my arm. Totally worth it, though.
jonah rockin' the xylophone
6 years ago
Jen!! This is so awesome and I am so proud of you for doing this! Who knew God would send you in this direction - what an amazing provider. By the way, I had no idea you made that nursing cover - I thought you bought it--Impressive!