Well, he didn't go to prom as much as he ran around the yard while we took pictures of Kayla going to prom. That's right, one of my small group girls - whom I've known now for five years - headed off to prom. I've rarely seen 1 Peter 3:3-4 epitomized so well.

I cannot tell you how much I didn't want to put this picture up, but my deep affection for Kayla mandated that I get over my selfish-
whaleish self, and post it. I would also like to add that I used to be significantly taller than Kayla. Allow me to present to you Exhibit A (Shawn and I may or not be watching a lot of Law & Order lately):

And she is now in 10
th grade, going to proms, and will soon be taller than me.

We were trying to get Jude to smile, and one of our tricks is to ask him to show us his belly. He usually smiles because he knows tickles are coming. It looks like he doesn't quite trust what tickles may be coming his way.
The entire time we were taking pictures of the prom-goers and talking about where they were going to dinner, whether they'd dance or not, and how nicely everyone cleaned up, I couldn't help but realize that my small group girls are growing up. Not in a -
i'm so old -kind of way, but in a-
these girls are going to make a difference in this world. these are some amazing, Godly girls, and i can clearly see that He has something big for each of them- kind of way.
Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight.
Isn't it freaky when girls we know grow up? A lovely young lady from my church who I also coached soccer (when she was 6) is getting married in June! EEK! BTW, you look beautiful! Nothing like a baby in the belly, love it!