After the hunt was finished, the Children's Ministers asked that the kids empty the candy into their baskets and return the eggs. Jude had a LOT of fun throwing the eggs into the tub. Then again, any time he can throw something, he's happy.

We realized at the last minute that Jude didn't have an Easter basket, and we found this cool basket at Hallmark when we were visiting Shawn's Nan on Friday. It actually collapses and pops out (which Jude thinks is hilarious).

I'm sorry my posts have been so sporadic lately, but life just gets crazy sometimes. I'm starting to have contractions, and while 50% of me says it's nothing to worry about, 35% of me is really concerned. They were strong enough the other night that I had to curl up on my side because they hurt. The other 15% of me is tired of worrying and wants chocolate - just in case you're wondering. :)
I have noticed that drinking enough water and not overdoing it during the day helps keep them at bay. But seriously - how do you NOT overdo it with a toddler? I guess I'm just a little exasperated with being here again.
On a lighter note, I am feeling the baby kick a lot! Shawn and I still don't have any names picked out, but we're working on it. Thankfully that's not ever been an issue that gets heated in our home, and we both feel like this little one will eventually have a name that suits him perfectly.
Jude is continuing to get cuter with each passing day! He's learned how to throw a temper tantrum that can last for up to ten minutes which I'm still ignoring them, but I'm thinking we'll try time outs soon. He's also turning into quite the charmer and loves to jabber at anyone who will make eye contact with him.
I promise that as soon as the blog lets me, I'll have more Easter pictures to share!
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