So I've been on vacation this past week, and apparently vastly overestimated the amount of time I'd have to sew/clean/love on Jude. I'm a big list-maker, I'm a stickler to my to-do lists, and I get a little antsy when I don't get things done as I'd like. As it turns out, being on vacation doesn't actually add an extra six hours to your day, and your toddler doesn't know that vacation week means 1) sleeping in, and 2) letting Mommy get a lot of work done. So I'm shifting my focus to instead concentrate on getting as much sewing done as I can and spending some quality time with Judeabug.
Speaking of quality time with Jude, he's learning like crazy right now. He now knows the sounds that the cow, puppy, and pig make, and he's working on the "baaaaa" of the sheep. He can sign, "all done," "more," and "water," and does them all on a regular basis. He can also identify my head, nose, and eyes (by pointing to it when I ask where it is). It seems like he was a little bit behind with communicating, so I'm excited to see him catching up a little bit (and yeah....I'm excited to not have to guess fifty-eleven things to find what he wants , too).
And now for your viewing pleasure, I present a video of play time with Jude. Which is pretty random, to be quite honest. A few months ago, he started putting the toolbox from Grammy and Grampy on his head and laughing at himself. You'll see that he still enjoys his super cool toolbox helmet...
jonah rockin' the xylophone
6 years ago
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