I'm nearing the 22 week mark and had our monthly appointment this morning. So far everything is looking perfect! He's growing as he should be, has a nice strong heartbeat, and hasn't been causing me too many aches and pains. I'm feeling him move quite a bit now - almost constantly. I'd forgotten what a precious feeling that is and how it makes everything else very much worth it!
My only concern this month was the brief spells of contractions I've had. I think strong, regular contractions started with Jude around 29 weeks, but I do remember having some faint ones right around 22-23 weeks. I'm so scared of bed rest, and was especially interested in if that is imminent. The nurse was encouraged that I'm only getting them at the end of long days, and they stop once I empty my bladder, put my feet up, and drink some water.
She also told me that with strong contractions with a first baby, the doctors tend to be hypersensitive. However, since I have a "history" of early contractions but ALSO a "history" of delivering a full term baby, bed rest won't be likely unless I'm dilating. Despite the trips to the hospital and contractions every 3-7 minutes, I didn't start dilating with Jude until I was around 36 or 37 weeks. So I was relieved to hear that, God willing, I don't have to worry about being on bed rest!!!!
It would appear that I just have what is known as an irritable uterus, which is why I apparently start contracting so easily. Every time I'm told that by a medical professional, I picture an old lady with too much lipstick, smoking a cigarette, and drinking whiskey from a tumbler.
That's what I think an irritable uterus probably looks like.

So when my uterus starts getting all irritated at the young whipper snappers these days, I imagine myself pouring her a figurative glass of whiskey, handing her a figurative cigarette, and telling her to simmer down.
Simmer down, irritable uterus, simmer down.
I wonder if your uterus also has saggy boobs. :)
ReplyDeleteOh, I think definitely. That's part of why she's so irritable! :)
ReplyDeleteDrink more water. Keep it in your hand all day.