Saturday, December 20, 2008



Thank you...for your prayers. The baby is just fine, and the weird spotting is most likely from medicine that they have me on. I'm not sure how much of this craziness we can take! (I know, those of you with children are surely thinking to yourselves, "honey, this is just the tip of the iceberg!") I'm glad that we have answers, but Shawn and I are both hoping that things go a bit more smoothly from here on out. Our next appointment is for April 17th, when they've told us we should be able to hear the heartbeat from the doppler. Thank you, again, for your prayers.


That part of pregnancy I've always dreaded where people start poking my belly, inviting their hands to touch my belly, and offering me their thoughts on whether I'm getting a tummy or not. Granted...all these things have been done by Jr. High students, who may not have the filter or social graces of most adults...but I expect it's only a precursor of things to come! At least with Jr. High students, I can poke their bellies back and jokingly tell them my tummy isn't public property....I'm not sure how that tactic will work with the adults. :) I help teach this group of girls at Pinedale who are amazing and precious to me. I've been their co-leader since they were in 6th grade (they're currently in the 8th grade), and will continue to be with them until they're in the 12th grade. And then I plan on moving into their dorms with them when they go to college. Just kidding. Though I am already dreading that day. Needless to say, they were top on my list of people I was excited to tell about our pregnancy. On Wednesday, we told them we had a surprise for them, but that they just needed to bring their digital cameras to church. We took them to Wal-Mart where we sent them on a scavenger hunt for all things baby (baby carrots, the movie "Gone Baby Gone," baby food, baby spinach, pickles and ice cream, etc.). When they had all finished, I asked if they noticed a theme (to which they responded, "it was all baby stuff!"), then I asked if they knew why that was a theme ("someone's pregnant!"), and then I asked if they had any ideas WHO was pregnant ("YOU are!!"). I wasn't quite sure how they'd react but the squeals and hugs proved that they were even more excited than I thought. Once we got back to the church, they of course tackled Shawn with enthusiasm. Since then, I've found that they've become quite protective of me...which I didn't expect. If they see me drinking coffee, they make sure it's decaf (which it always is). Despite my protests and assurances that I'm fine, they watch me get in and out of vans, climb stairs, etc., to make sure I don't fall. They scrutinize any medicine that I take to make sure it's safe for pregnant women, and anything else their precious 8th grade hearts can think of that they've heard pregnant women can/can't do. This weekend we took a bunch of our students to a Jr. High conference in Atlanta, GA where they sang, danced, worshipped, and hopefully grew to a better understanding of God and how He pursues them. These kinds of things are usually accompanied by a lack of sleep and a bit of stress, so I wasn't sure how well I would do. Thankfully, I ended up getting more sleep than I thought I would, and God gave me the energy and strength to not just survive, but to enjoy myself. I was, however, glad to be back home with my naps and snacks! Today, our little teddy graham in there is officially 9 weeks along. Here's an update on where he/she is developmentally:Congratulations! Your amazing growing baby has been accepted into to the fetus-club, a very exclusive and exiting new stage in their prenatal development. Basically, this means the little sweet pea has graduated from swimming embryo creature to a recognizable human being! This week in particular, the irises of their little eyes can function, but (frustratingly for them?) their eyelids remain fused shut for a while yet. Their external ears are formed and their inner ears are now filled with fluid—so your little one is already developing their sense of balance. Your baby's little swimmer legs are still relatively small, although other bodily developments are going forward at a nice pace: their kidney is actually functioning now, which means they’ve started urinating (this might seem charming now but wait till you have to start buying diapers!).


Full House Makes Me Cry...How pathetic is that?! I was watching an episode yesterday in which Jesse and Becky have their twins. They were lying in the birthing bed together after the birth (while Becky's makeup and hair were perfectly done, of course), holding their sons....and I just could not stop the tears. I'm such a weirdo lately. I have a definite little pooch that wasn't there before! Most of the time I don't think people can notice just by looking at me, but I have found that most of my pants don't fit me anymore. I've ordered something called the "Bella Band," which should help me not need maternity pants right away. It's nice to have some evidence that there's a baby in there, and I know Shawn's really excited about it.Most of you know that I was training for a half marathon before I got pregnant, and many people have asked me lately what my plans are for running. Obviously, any official training is out the window, and I won't be running the races I had planned, either. Though I desperately want to, I haven't run since I found out I was pregnant. At first, it was fear. Shortly after (and since then), it's been because I'm so tired and nauseated all the time. If I have to pick between going for a run or taking a quick nap...the nap seems to win every time! I'm already starting to feel some improvements in both the fatigue and morning sickness department, so I'm hoping that as I progress towards the second trimester I'll be able to be more active (running, walking, prenatal yoga). I find myself jealous of other runners when I see them, and looking longingly at my running shoes. I desperately want to get back out there, but want to take care of myself first. As if you had any doubt, I know, but I'm so amazed at how wonderful Shawn is being through all of this. I know he doesn't necessarily understand what's going on with my hormones, but he weathers the storms with strength. He's been so patient and tender with me, which is usually what I need the most. From experience, he's learned that if I'm feeling sick, I probably need to eat. If you've been pregnant before, you probably understand that when you feel sick, the very last thing you want to do is eat. He's very, very good at gently "making" me eat. I always complain about it, but I'm always grateful. I've also been overwhelmed with the list of "do's" and "dont's" of pregnancy, and Shawn's been awesome about helping me remember those things (like soft cheese....I still don't really understand what constitutes soft cheese, much less be aware of if the salad I'm ordering contains it). I'm so grateful for him, and I'm so grateful that we're a team in this. On par with my last journal entry, I've been trying to figure out how to handle the "tummy touchers" in my life. I'll elaborate more later on why it bugs me so much, but do any of you have advice on how to let people know gracefully that I'd really rather they not touch me?


Weirdo...I'm so weird. I mentioned in the last journal/blog/...whatever...that I would try and explain a little bit better about why I'd prefer people to not touch my stomach. I've seriously thought about this for days, and you know...I really can't come up with a good reason. The best I can do is this- I just don't like it. It takes a lot for me to be super affectionate with someone, so maybe I have a weird thing about physical boundaries? I understand that it's just an extension of some people's excitement, but it just seems rude to me. Most especially if you're not family or a close friend. I'm not a fan of random people assuming it's okay. At this point, I'm almost 10 weeks and am a little insecure by how much I'm showing already, which I'm sure only adds to my discontent with people poking at me. And then there's the fact that I already have this feeling that my body has become public property at every doctor's visit we have. Our OB office is great, but I can't help feeling that they poke and prod pretty much everything they can find when we go. I've been told that it only gets worse as time goes on. Perhaps my aversion to the tummy touching is an effort to maintain some sort of privacy?...or it just boils down to me being a weirdo.My friend Krista sent me a link to a t-shirt website with some really cute (and some really be warned if you go there) maternity shirts. Shawn and I saw one that said, "You can touch my belly if I can punch you in the face," and we both just lost it. One of the funniest things I've ever read. If you have the link to our Baby Maurer website, than I count you as someone to whom I feel close, so please don't feel that my words of frustration about the tummy touchers of the world are directed to you. If you have the urge to touch, rub, pat, or poke (okay, don't poke) my belly, just ask first, and I will be glad to share that with you. :)


Shawn and I have another appointment today (this one was scheduled!), and I know I'm pretty excited. We first set this appointment when we went in for our very first visit...I believe I was six weeks along. At the time, Apri 17th seemed like forever away, and being ten and a half weeks along seemed even further away. I'm not sure what all this appointment will entail, but I am hoping they'll be able to hear the baby's heartbeat with the doppler. Ever so slowly, I'm starting to feel better. I still have waves of nausea and fatigue, but it's not usually an all-day issue like it was for awhile. I'm eagerly looking forward to the second trimester!

I'm sorry if you've been waiting in anticipation to find out how our doctor's appointment went on Thursday! I didn't mean to not update this, I just got a bit busy. went well! It was, by far, our shortest visit. They checked my weight and blood pressure (both "perfect," according to the nurse), we asked the doctor a few questions, and then we heard the heartbeat with the doppler. It's always such a relief to hear the heartbeat and to KNOW that everything is okay. Our next appointment is May 15th, and I think it'll be a pretty standard appointment at that point, as well. I'm grateful to be able to say that we haven't any further issues with spotting or anything else potentially scary since our last ultrasound! Yay! Two weeks of no drama has been a pleasant surprise. Today, our baby is eleven weeks and one day, and here's where the little one is at developmentally:"Maybe you’ve noticed… your baby is a super-duper grower! Your lil' fetus will be gaining a substantial amount of weight this week and has already achieved fruit-size-status comparable to a plum. What's more, your little scientist is already starting to explore their body, focusing most intently on touching their head, and especially their face and mouth. Their mouth in particular will provide them with hours of entertainment. This happens not only because your baby is gaining coordination, and is therefore able to move a hand on command, but also because their palms have gained sensation and can actually “feel” what it touches.They're also developing their swallow reflex this week. And lastly, your baby's smelling and other olfactory senses will begin developing this week, which when combined with the maturing taste buds, will provide your baby with their first experiences of taste and smell.And how's mom doing? If you’re still enduring the joys of morning sickness, it should finally be subsiding to the point of non-existence by the end of this week. The growing placenta combined with your little one’s developing pituitary gland have given you a break on hormone production, so now you can focus on the fact you’re about to enter the second trimester of pregnancy, which can be most aptly characterized by lots of growth for both you and your little uterus-tenant."


I drank coffee AND went for a run!...It's true. While an avid coffee drinker before pregnancy, I was usually disgusted by the thought/smell of coffee once I did become pregnant (that was actually my first sign). I've occasionally tried to have a cup of decaf coffee, but could only finish a couple of sips. Yesterday morning, however, I tried a cup of decaf, and it tasted terrific! Yay! I can drink coffee again! I have to admit that because it smelled so gross to me, I didn't particularly miss having my morning cup. However, it's been rainy and a little chilly down here in North Carolina for the past week or so, and I don't know how many days I wanted to drink a cup of coffee and watch the rain.And yes, I actually went for a run. Actually, a run - walk. But it was satisfying, nonetheless. I was able to do repeats of running for about six minutes and walking for one. I was surprised by how quickly my heart rate got up to 140, but given the fact that I'm housing another human being in here, I guess it's understandable. I have to admit that it was humbling to run. Before pregnancy, I was running 10 miles at a time, so I was surprised to only be able to run six minutes before walking. Normally, I would've pushed through the uncomfortable feeling and kept running, but I'm very paranoid about taking chances. I found a heart rate watch at Target and am looking forward to not having to stop to check my heart rate. I haven't pulled it out and played with it yet, but I believe that you can set a limit on your heart rate, and an alarm will go off if you go above that heart rate. Thoroughly helpful, and I'm pretty excited to use it. I also did some prenatal yoga yesterday after I ran, and wasn't a big fan of the DVD I had. Do any of you have any suggestions of prenatal yoga or Pilates that you've loved? I had several days of, "holy cow, I feel great," which led me to believe that perhaps the morning sickness had passed and I was well on my way into what I've been told is the second trimester bliss. I was sorely deceived. I've been hit with a doozy of three days (and running) of some of the worst nausea I've ever experienced. I'm not actually getting sick, but am heaving and gagging a lot...NO fun! Still, I know that 1)despite this, many women have had sickness MUCH worse than mine, 2)this means that I still have pregnancy hormones coursing through my body, which means my little baby is doing okay in there, and 3) the second trimester is quickly approaching, so there really is a light at the end of the tunnel.


12 Weeks!...Here's how our baby is growing this week:"Even though your little Einstein’s body is still growing quite rapidly 2 inches long right now, the overall super-speedy growth of their amazing brain continues to leave the head proportionately larger than the body— and is actually slightly more than one third of their total body mass! The head and neck are still straightening at this point as can be seen by their little chin lifting off of the chest. Your baby is also actively rehearsing “breathing” by using amniotic fluid to prepare the lungs for future air respiration.The big news: your little pooper is now officially going to need diapers! Although a majority of the waste produced is transferred to the mother’s system for discharge (to avoid having it linger in the amniotic sac), some urine is released to the amniotic fluid and your baby will actually breathe it in before it passing it on to your for discharge. Not to worry, urine--in this particular form, is completely harmless to your baby.And how's mom doing? Logically, as your baby is growing bigger, so must your uterus. By now, your once-flat and relatively small uterus is stretched to the size of a softball (12-14 cm), but that’s nothing: by the time you deliver it will have grown to 15 – 17 inches (37 – 42 cm). Your uterus is slowly increasing at a rate of approximately one centimeter per week."

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