Friday, June 19, 2009

the j team

Jonah and Jude, or the "J Team" as Matt called them finally met this past Saturday! They've been each other's presence before, but a certain baby (whose name may or may not rhyme with Schmonah) was asleep. This time, we outwitted Jonah and hung out long enough for him to get in a good nap AND meet his bff (or whatever boys call a bff), Jude.

Jude has a tendency to hit things he likes, so Patrice had to hold him back from giving a Jonah a big fat smack. In baby world, that means, "Hey! You look pretty cool! Wanna stare at each other and kick our legs?"

Both boys behaved much better than either Mamma expected, and we had a total blast hanging out.
With Jude's new found crawling freedom, he's eager to see how he can get into more mischief. In the time it's taken me to write this blog, I've had to pull my pen out of his mouth, stop him from tugging on Cole's tail, stop him from grabbing at Cole's feet, and pull him out from underneath the couch. And I'm fairly certain this is only the beginning!
I've realized recently that I'm actually producing even less milk than I was a couple of weeks ago - it looks like it's maybe 10 ounces a day that Jude is getting via breastfeeding. I think we're going to have to drop our daytime feedings entirely and supplement instead. I'll still nurse for his morning and night feedings. I'm disappointed - severely disappointed - but am ready to end the drama of "is he getting enough?". He's been gaining weight so well and has been so much more happy since we started supplementing, so I think it's time. He'll be okay, right? I'm not the worst Mom in the world?
I know I mentioned a few posts ago that Jenn from Photographic Memories took some pictures, and don't worry - I didn't forget! I'll make sure to get them up in the next day or two!

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