Friday, January 8, 2010


I'm finally able to upload videos - hooray! The first one was taken within the last week with my brand new camera, and the second was taken a few weeks ago with the old 'clicky' one. Enjoy the cuteness that is our Judeabug!


  1. Two things:
    1. I LOVE how blonde his hair looks.
    2. I also love that Shawn is being passive-aggressive with a one-year-old. As if Jude would understand the difference between, "Please touch that," and "please don't touch that." I laughed so hard.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Anne, I was just getting ready to facebook email you back and let you know our new blog address - guess you found us! ;) I'll update the list on the side of mine with your new one.

    And his hair IS still really blonde AND long! I tell him all the time how jealous all the bald headed girls in his class are!
