One of the nights that Jude was running a high fever, he decided to be particularly adorable. We put him down at his normal bed time of 8:00ish. As opposed to the other fevered nights, he actually fell asleep, but woke up at 9:00 mad. Shawn went back to his room, rocked him, fed him, etc. and nothing worked. He laid him back down and we let him cry for about fifteen minutes. Then I went back and tried to rock Jude to calm him down. As soon as I sat down in the chair in his room, he wiggled out of my arms and walked towards the door. He pulled open the door, walked down the hallway, and stood in front of Shawn's chair where he was working on his laptop.
The kid was wide awake.
So Shawn scooped him up, and Jude got some Daddy cuddles. Shawn put his headphones on Jude, loaded up some Sid the Science Kid on his computer, and Shawn and Jude hung out for about twenty minutes just like that. It was so cute and sweet that I couldn't help but snap a picture.
After his Daddy cuddle time, we put Jude back down for the night where he went down without a fight.
And now Jude loves those headphones. He doesn't actually listen to anything, but he loves trying to figure out how to get them on my head. And when he does figure it out, they squish his fat little cheeks in a way that makes it impossible to not kiss them.
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