It came on all of a sudden. Jude seemed to be perfectly fine Saturday morning, but then as soon as Shawn left for a student ministry event - bam! He spiked a fever of 102. I gave Jude infant Tylenol, lots of cuddles, a tepid bath, and some cold milk. The fever eventually subsided to 100 degrees, but he woke up again at 3:45am and felt like he was on fire. The poor kiddo fought the fever all day yesterday (getting as high as 104), and was quite the pitiful sight to behold. Thankfully Shawn was able to stay home from church Sunday night, because I was most definitely at the end of my rope. We called the off duty nurse at our pediatrician's office, who said it sounded like Jude was just fighting a virus, and to keep treating the fever. If it got higher than 105, then to call back and get an appointment.
Thank God it stayed in the 101-102 range - he was on fire as it was and I'm not sure I could've handled handled seeing him with a fever of 105.
We had another rough night last night, but found that infant ibuprofen works so much better on Jude than infant Tylenol, so that's been keeping the fever down. He's not sleeping or napping great, but he is getting up to play with his toys, so it looks like he's slowly on the mend.
At the moment, he's laughing at me as I yell, "We're gonna kick that old fever to the curb," and throw a toy to emphasize my point. It's nice to see him smiling again.
jonah rockin' the xylophone
6 years ago
Aww! Poor baby man! I'll pray that he feels better soon.