Jude's still not saying a lot of coherent words, but he does talk pretty much all the time. Jude and I were waiting in the car the other day while Shawn ran into the church. He started getting a little fussy (Jude, not Shawn), so I gave him my sunglasses, pulled out the camera, and let him babble away. My favorite thing about this video is Jude's face when he realizes his Daddy is coming. Seriously, I've played that little clip over and over because I just love it.
Before we get to the video, I just wanted to ask that you keep Shawn's Nan in your thoughts and prayers. She had a stroke, and from what I understand is doing well but is still recovering. Shawn drove up to be with his Mom and see his Nan today, so I'll probably know more when he gets back tonight.
jonah rockin' the xylophone
6 years ago
I like his "yes." Soooo cute. :)