I've been working on treasuring Jude's milestones and cuddles right now, knowing that in a few months I won't have the ability to focus as much of my attention on him as I do right now. It actually seems like his development has kind of exploded recently. He's talking pretty much all the time, though most of it is incoherent. He answers our questions with a "huh?" or "yuh?" He's getting better at signing "more" and occasionally "milk" and "all done." We're working on "Mommy" and "Daddy" in sign language, but he just thinks those are funny (and really, they ARE a little funny looking). When I ask him, "Where's the baby?" he lifts up my shirt and plays with my belly button, and will usually even cuddle with my belly for a second. Last night I had a lot of fun watching him give his little brother raspberries through my belly. :)
He's clapping, waving bye-bye, dancing (we call it the Booty Bop), running in place, climbing, and falling with skillz. He's developing quite the sense of humor and enjoys both making us laugh and laughing at silly things we do.
I feel the need to give you a few caveats about this video before you watch. 1) This was taken when Jude was still recovering from the stomach bug, so he's a bit more whiny than usual 2)My Serwa Chic workspace is currently our dining room, so that stack of fabric you might see in the background is actually intentional and organized, and 3) I've learned that I need to pick my battles carefully with Jude. As such, he is allowed to climb on the coffee table but is not allowed to stand up on it. Believe it or not, he's never fallen off the coffee table, and often likes to climb up there, sit in the middle, and read a book.
jonah rockin' the xylophone
6 years ago
Isn't it amazing how fast they learn stuff?