Friday, March 6, 2009

jude smiles

Here is the promised video of Jude's sweet smiling. I was trying to get him laughing, but of course as soon as I got the camera out he stopped. Oh- and ignore the weird lady making silly sounds.


  1. Oh my goodness, he is so sweet! Miles stared at him the whole time :-)

  2. Hi. I came to your blog from the Williams'. I wanted to offer some advice on weight gain and breastfeeding mother/RN to another. First, I like the philosophy of 'when in doubt, nurse'. Even one extra snack can make a difference. A more involved approach is to let him get as much hindmilk as possible. Hindmilk is the more calorie dense milk produced after the first milk is expressed or drank. To get this, you can either pump for a few minutes to express the foremilk, or nurse him for a longer period of time off one breast. Depending on how much milk you have, you may want to pump off a 1/2 ounce to an ounce. Or depending on how long he nurses, let him either nurse for a long time off one breast, or on both breast, with the longer period off the second breast. If you decide to supplement, use milk expressed after he finishes nursing. Good luck.

  3. Krista - Jude loves to look at videos of other babies, too. I've started showing him some Baby Einstein videos occasionally, and he's always captivated when it's a child on the screen.

    Anonymous - that's actually great advice. I'd been afraid to pump before feeding him when my milk supply was low, but now that it's regulated a little, I'll definitely try pumping half an ounce before he eats so that he gets more hindmilk. How long would be a "long" period to allow him to nurse? He'd eat for forty-five minutes on one side sometimes if I'd let him, and our pediatrician said to let him eat for about 20 minutes max on each side.
