Tuesday, August 24, 2010

jude & cohen

Wow, seeing their two names together like that still seems a little strange!

Thus far, Jude has done astonishing well with Cohen. We do our best to give Jude as much focused attention as we can, but it's significantly less than he's used to. He hasn't exhibited any signs of jealousy (yet...I'm sure it's coming at some point though), and actually wants to comfort Cohen when he's crying. Of course, Jude's version of comforting is to try and hand Cohen a car or a sippy cup. I'll take it, though.

Overall, Jude vacillates between not really caring what's going on with Cohen and being curious about why he's crying or how we're changing his diaper. I'm grateful that we haven't had to deal with a lot of jealousy issues so far, but I'm not naive enough to think it'll always be like this. Soon enough, I'm sure I'll be hearing, "Moooommmm! Cohen took my train!" For now, I'm enjoying that each boy is pretty content to live in his own little world.

We picked up Jude on our way home from the hospital, and he was pretty intrigued by his new friend in the backseat:

The nurse gave Jude an "I am a BIG brother" sticker, which Jude promptly put on his head. Just to make sure everyone knows, I guess:

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